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our commitment

commitment to coexistence

Besides wanting to see you satisfied in your home, we also want to see you included in your neighborhood. For this, it is essential for you to maintain an optimal and respectful coexistence and facilitate the study environment, both among colleagues and neighbors. We have an internal regulation that must be accepted and fulfilled by each of our users, which also includes the penalties in case of non-compliance (the breach of any of the rules may imply the termination of the lease contract); Some of those rules are:


  • Respect, at any time, of study and rest. Any activity that could disturb any of both activities (parties, loud music) is prohibited.

  • Respect of the rules of the Community of Neighbors.

  • In each of the homes there will be a responsible who will support, guide and advise their new colleagues.

formative project

Sweet Home Segovia aims to be more than just a university accommodation management organization. We want to be part of your academic growth. We believe the university stage must be an enriching experience, that teaches you values for life and makes you grow as a human being.

Living with other people promotes values ​​such as empathy, respect or solidarity. Therefore, it is itself a formative process.

This is the reason why we let our clients have all the independence they need, just like they would have in an individual apartment, no matter if they choose to live in a student residence or flat, with the support of the Sweet Home Segovia Team who will always be at their disposal to meet their needs.

orientation to parents


To clothe, advise and guide the student in the first university years helping him to overcome the difficulties in this crucial years, for his personal and academic development.



The student will receive all the care and means necessary in their day to day, through a quality service.



A family atmosphere, where the personality of each of our users is known and valued, favoring a suitable environment for study.


The Team of Sweet Home Segovia accompanies and guides in a complete and enriching way, being at your disposal for everything you need.


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